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Runs from Monday January 6 2014 to Friday January 10 2014

Approximate running time: 2 hours


Firehall Arts Centre - Studio
280 East Cordova Street
Vancouver BC V6A 1L3

Production Notes

Monday January 6-10th from 10am-12 noon
Classes $15 per day or $50 5-Day Pass (only 20 for sale).
5-Day Passes available online - call 604-689-0926 to book individual days.

Technique Class:

In her technique class, Peggy Baker brings the richness, depth, and immediacy of her physical practice into play in a class driven by dynamism and musicality, and focused on the expressive and kinetic potential of our bodies.

The work unfolds fluidly, and with refreshing shifts of focus, through a wide range of vivid and invigorating movement explorations that address essential issues of impulse and action.

Fundamental to her material and methods are the influence of neuro-muscular specialist Irene Dowd, teacher Christine Wright, and choreographers James Kudelka, Molissa Fenley, Paul-Andre Fortier, Lar Lubovitch, Mark Morris, Tere O’Connor, and Doug Varone.

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